Report for company Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited

Report for company Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited


Business license information

Enterprise name 深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司 Registered capital RMB 65 million
Legal representative Ma Huateng Paid-up capital RMB 65 million
Registration status exist Taxpayer identification number(TIN) 91440300708461136T
Unified social credit code 91440300708461136T Industry Information transmission, software and information technology service industry
Registration number 440301103448669 Registration authority Nanshan Bureau
Type of enterprise limited liability company English name Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited
Approval date 2019-12-31 Number of insured persons 0
Location Guangdong Province Business term 1998-11-11 - Until now
Former names No info Number of employees 7000-7999 people
Business address Floor 35, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Business scope General business items are: computer software and hardware design, technology development, and sales (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized goods and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled , monopoly goods); engage in advertising business (if the laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the advertising business approval level should be approved, the business can only be operated after additional approval and registration); import and export of goods and technologies; ticket agency. , the licensed business items are: the domestic Internet virtual private network business in the first category of value-added telecommunication services; the domestic multi-party communication service business, domestic call center business, and information service business in the second category of value-added telecommunication services; online game publishing and operation; News information reprinting service; sales of pre-packaged food (excluding refrigerated and frozen food); use of information network to operate music entertainment products, game products (including online game virtual currency issuance), artworks, performances (programs), animation products, performances , engaged in exhibitions and competitions of online cultural products; Internet audio-visual program services; production, reproduction, distribution of TV dramas, cartoons (production must be declared separately), special topics, columns (excluding current affairs news), variety shows; retail publications.


Phone Number 0755-86013388

Overall rating: 94

Rating Estimated interval Comments
A 90-100 Good business conditions, strong organizational base, strong technological prerequisites, good development prospects, high creditworthiness
B 70-89 Good business conditions, good development trend. Comprehensive development of overall performance indicators, high creditworthiness
C 60-69 The state of the company's enterprise at the average level in the industry, the main indicators at the average level
D 40-59 The company's condition is below the industry average, profitability is low, there is no development trend
E <40 The company's condition is unsatisfactory, low creditworthiness
N - Insufficient information to conduct an assessment

Shareholder structure

Name of the shareholder % ownership Amount of ownership, CNY Date of ownership Type of ownership
Ma Huateng 54,28% 3528,57 2014-12-05 natural person shareholder
Zhang Zhidong 22,85% 1485,71 2014-12-05 natural person shareholder
Chen Yidan 11,42% 742,85 2014-12-05 natural person shareholder
Xu Chenye 11,42% 742,85 2014-12-05 natural person shareholder

Foreign investments

Company name Legal representative Authorized capital % of investments Status
Huayi Brothers Media Co., Ltd. Wang Zhongjun RMB 2,77,505,91 5% exist
Zhongan Online Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Ou Yaping 1,46,812,90 RMB 7,82% exist
Shenzhen Tencent Network Domain Computer Network Co., Ltd. Feng Mingjie 24010 million RMB 29% exist
Beijing Yima Shentong Information Technology Co., Ltd. Lin Jinghua 1434,6 million RMB 100% exist
Beijing Yingke Bicheng Technology Co., Ltd. Lin Haifeng 1216,5 million RMB 100% exist
Tenpay Payment Technology Co., Ltd. Zheng Haojian 1,00,000,00 RMB 95% exist
Shenzhen Social Creation Xiangshan Technology Limited Partnership (Limited Partnership) Shenzhen social innovation and charity enterprise management Co., Ltd. RMB 668,09 million 99,9% exist
Shenzhen Tenpay Internet Finance Small Loan Co., Ltd. Dusiku 10,52,315,80 RMB 5% exist
Shenzhen Entertainment Huacai Technology Co., Ltd. Ma Danying 100 million RMB 100% exist
Yimeng Co., Ltd. Zeng Shan RMB 443 million 19,12% exist
Tencent Dadi Tongtu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. Zhong Xiangping RMB 60 million 100% exist
Shenzhen Century Caixun Technology Co., Ltd. Mao Tao 50 million RMB 99% exist
Tencent Credit Information Co., Ltd. Dusiku 50 million RMB 95% exist
future tv co., ltd. Li Ming 200 million RMB 19,9% exist
Beijing Vinegar Network Technology Co., Ltd. Lu Jinjie 351,28 million yuan 9,74% exist
National Railway Jixun Technology Co., Ltd. Ma Jianjun 250 million RMB 10% exist
Shenzhen Century Tenghua Information Technology Co., Ltd. Sun Zhonghuai 20 million RMB 100% exist
Hebei Xiongan New Area Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. Shen Dan 20 million RMB 90% exist
Guangzhou Optimus Prime Network Technology Co., Ltd. Wei Kunsong 32,33,493,82,000 RMB 53,71% active
Youyang Culture Media Co., Ltd. Yang Guoguang RMB 158,4 million 10,22% exist

Change Records

Type of change Date of change Before the change After the change
residence 2019-12-31 Floor 5-10, Fiyta Building, Gaoxin South Road, High-tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Floor 35, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Bylaws or Bylaws Amendment Pass Date 2019-12-31 2019-03-25 2019-12-30
upgrade license 2019-12-31 No info No info
Filing of senior management personnel (directors, supervisors, managers, etc.) 2019-07-23 No info No info
Charter filing 2019-03-26 2018-08-15 2019-03-25
Changes in licensed business items 2019-03-26 Approval file name: value-added telecommunications business license, approval file number:; approval file name: online game publishing business license, approval file number: Approval document name: online game publishing business license, approval document number:; approval document name: "Internet information service value-added telecommunications business license", approval document number:; approval document name: value-added telecommunications business license, approval document No.:; name of examination and approval document: "License for Film Production";
No info 2019-03-26 No info Domestic Internet virtual private network services in the first category of value-added telecommunication services; domestic multi-party communication services, domestic call center services, and information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services; online game publishing and operation; Internet news information reprinting services; Sales of packaged food (excluding refrigerated and frozen food); use of information networks to operate music entertainment products, game products (including online game virtual currency issuance), artworks, performances (programs), animation products, performances, and online cultural products Exhibitions and competitions; Internet audio-visual program services; production, reproduction, and distribution of TV dramas, cartoons (production must be reported separately), special topics, columns (excluding current affairs news), variety shows; retail publications.
No info 2019-03-26 Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information service business in the second type of value-added telecommunications business (excluding fixed network telephone information service and Internet information service, and shall be handled according to the license No. B2-******); information service business (only Internet information service business, and shall be handled according to the license Guangdong B2-****** document); engaged in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the advertising business approval level shall be subject to separate approval and registration before operation); online game publishing and operation (Operate with a valid new network certificate (Yue) Zi No. 010 Internet publishing license); import and export of goods and technologies. Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Engage in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the advertising business approval level should be approved, and the business can only be operated after approval and registration); import and export of goods and technologies; ticket agency.
Other director information 2018-12-12 Xi Dan (director); Ren Yuxin (director) [exit]; Xu Chenye (director); Ma Huateng* (director) [exit] Lu Shan (Director) [New]; Xi Dan (Director); Xu Chenye (Director)
Filing of senior management personnel (directors, supervisors, managers, etc.) 2018-12-12 Director: Ma Huateng*; Director: Xi Dan; Director: Xu Chenye; Director: Ren Yuxin【Exit】 Director: Lu Shan [Xinjin]; Director: Xu Chenye; Director: Xi Dan; Chairman: Ma Huateng*
Chairman or executive director member 2018-12-12 No info Ma Huateng* (Chairman)
Charter filing 2018-08-17 1900-01-01 2018-08-15
Change of term (change of business period, business period, residency period, etc.) 2018-08-17 From 1998-11-11 to 2018-11-11 Sustainable development
Change of term (change of business period, business period, residency period, etc.) 2018-08-17 1998-11-11, 2018-11-11, 20 1998-11-11,
Supervisor Information 2016-11-11 Zhou Zhaoqin (Supervisor) Huang Huiqing (Supervisor) Lin Zhuangqiu (Supervisor) 【Exit】 Xie Qinghua (Supervisor) Huang Qiuhua (Supervisor) Zhou Zhaoqin (Supervisor) [New]
Filing of senior management personnel (directors, supervisors, managers, etc.) 2016-11-11 Supervisor: Lin Zhuangqiu [exit]; General Manager: Ma Huateng*; Supervisor: Zhou Zhaoqin; Director: Ren Yuxin; Director: Xi Dan; Supervisor: Huang Huiqing [exit]; Director: Xu Chenye; Director: Ma Huateng* Director: Ren Yuxin; Supervisor: Huang Qiuhua [New]; General Manager: Ma Huateng*; Supervisor: Xie Qinghua [New]; Director: Xi Dan; Supervisor: Zhou Zhaoqin; Director: Ma Huateng*; Director: Xu Chenye
Filing of other matters 2016-01-19 No info 91440300708461136T
Filing of other matters 2016-01-19 Change photos with one code Change photos with one code
Supervisor Information 2015-08-26 Lin Zhuangqiu (Supervisor) Xu Gangwu (Supervisor) Huang Huiqing (Supervisor) [Exit] Huang Huiqing (Supervisor) Lin Zhuangqiu (Supervisor) Zhou Zhaoqin (Supervisor) [New]
Filing of senior management personnel (directors, supervisors, managers, etc.) 2015-08-26 Supervisor: Xu Gangwu [exit]; Director: Ma Huateng*; Supervisor: Huang Huiqing; Director: Xu Chenye; Supervisor: Lin Zhuangqiu; Director: Xi Dan; Director: Ren Yuxin; General Manager: Ma Huateng* Director: Ma Huateng*; Supervisor: Lin Zhuangqiu; Supervisor: Zhou Zhaoqin [New]; Director: Xi Dan; Director: Xu Chenye; Director: Ren Yuxin; Supervisor: Huang Huiqing; General Manager: Ma Huateng*
Filing of senior management personnel (directors, supervisors, managers, etc.) 2015-02-10 Director: Zhang Zhidong [exit]; Director: Chen Yidan [exit]; Supervisor: Lin Zhuangqiu; Director: Xu Chenye; Supervisor: Xu Gangwu; General Manager: Ma Huateng*; Director: Ma Huateng*; Supervisor: Huang Huiqing Supervisor: Xu Gangwu; Director: Xi Dan [New]; Supervisor: Lin Zhuangqiu; Director: Ma Huateng*; Supervisor: Huang Huiqing; Director: Xu Chenye; General Manager: Ma Huateng*; Director: Ren Yuxin [New]
Paid-in capital changes 2015-01-09 3000 6500(+3500)
Changes in registered capital (changes in registered capital, capital amount, etc.) 2014-12-05 3000 6500(+3500)
Charter filing 2014-12-05 Bylaw filing (including partnership agreement) Bylaw filing (including partnership agreement)
Changes in investors (including capital contribution, capital contribution method, capital contribution date, investor name, etc.) 2014-12-05 Shareholder name: Zhang Zhidong, capital contribution: 685.713000, capital contribution ratio: 22.857100; shareholder name: Chen Yidan, capital contribution: 342.858000, capital contribution ratio: 11.428600; shareholder name: Ma Huateng*, capital contribution: 1628.571000, capital contribution ratio: 54.285700; shareholder name: Xu Chenye , Investment amount: 342.858000, investment ratio: 11.428600 Shareholder name: Chen Yidan, capital contribution: 742.859000 (+400.001), capital contribution ratio: 11.428600; shareholder name: Ma Huateng*, capital contribution: 3528.570500 (+1900), capital contribution ratio: 54.285700; shareholder name: Xu Chenye, capital contribution ratio: 742.859000 (+ 400.001), capital contribution ratio: 11.428600; shareholder name: Zhang Zhidong, capital contribution amount: 1485.711500 (+799.998), capital contribution ratio: 22.857100
Change of term (change of business period, business period, residency period, etc.) 2014-12-05 No info 2
Changes in registered capital (changes in registered capital, capital amount, etc.) 2011-07-21 2000 3000(+1000)
Changes in investors (including capital contribution, capital contribution method, capital contribution date, investor name, etc.) 2011-07-21 Name: Zhang Zhidong, investment amount: 457.142, investment ratio: 22.8571; name: Xu Chenye, investment amount: 228.572, investment ratio: 11.4286; name: Chen Yidan, investment amount: 228.572, investment ratio: 11.4286; name: Ma Huateng*, investment amount: 1085.714, capital contribution ratio: 54.2857 Name: Xu Chenye, investment amount: 342.858 (+114.286), investment ratio: 11.4286; name: Zhang Zhidong, investment amount: 685.713 (+228.571), investment ratio: 22.8571; name: Ma Huateng*, investment amount: 1628.571 (+542.857), Investment ratio: 54.2857; name: Chen Yidan, investment amount: 342.858 (+114.286), investment ratio: 11.4286
Paid-in capital 2011-07-21 2000 3000(+1000)
Changes in business scope (including changes in business scope) 2009-07-24 Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services (excluding fixed-line telephone information services and handled according to License No. B2-******); engaging in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that advertising business approval and registration shall be carried out) , can be operated after additional approval and registration); online game publishing and operation (operating with a valid new network certificate (Guangdong) Zi No. 010 Internet publishing license); import and export of goods and technologies. Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information service business in the second type of value-added telecommunications business (excluding fixed network telephone information service and Internet information service, and shall be handled according to the license No. B2-******); information service business (only Internet information service business, and shall be handled according to the license Guangdong B2-****** document); engaged in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the advertising business approval level shall be subject to separate approval and registration before operation); online game publishing and operation (Operate with a valid new network certificate (Yue) Zi No. 010 Internet publishing license); import and export of goods and technologies.
Changes in business scope (including changes in business scope) 2009-04-22 Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services (excluding fixed-line telephone information services and handled according to License No. B2-******); engaging in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that advertising business approval and registration shall be carried out) , can only be operated after going through separate examination and approval registration); online game publishing and operation (operating with a valid new network certificate (Yue) Zi No. 010 Internet publishing license). Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services (excluding fixed-line telephone information services and handled according to License No. B2-******); engaging in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that advertising business approval and registration shall be carried out) , can be operated after additional approval and registration); online game publishing and operation (operating with a valid new network certificate (Guangdong) Zi No. 010 Internet publishing license); import and export of goods and technologies.
Changes in business scope (including changes in business scope) 2008-08-01 Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services (excluding fixed-line telephone information services and handled according to License No. B2-******); engaging in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that advertising business approval and registration shall be carried out) , and can only operate after approval and registration). Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services (excluding fixed-line telephone information services and handled according to License No. B2-******); engaging in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that advertising business approval and registration shall be carried out) , can only be operated after going through separate examination and approval registration); online game publishing and operation (operating with a valid new network certificate (Yue) Zi No. 010 Internet publishing license).
Registration Number/Registration Number Upgrade 2008-06-24 4403012010489 440301103448669
Filing of other matters 2006-07-25 1 2
Changes in business scope (including changes in business scope) 2005-03-02 Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services (excluding fixed-line telephone information services and handled according to License No. B2-******); advertising services. Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services (excluding fixed-line telephone information services and handled according to License No. B2-******); engaging in advertising business (laws and administrative regulations stipulate that advertising business approval and registration shall be carried out) , and can only operate after approval and registration).
Change of address (change of residence address, business premises, residence address, etc.) 2005-03-02 Room 410, Building 2, SEG Science and Technology Park, Futian District, Shenzhen Floor 5-10, Fiyta Building, Gaoxin South Road, High-tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Changes in business scope (including changes in business scope) 2004-09-24 Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Internet information service (executed in accordance with the documents and licenses of the Guangdong Provincial Communications Administration). Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Information services in the second category of value-added telecommunication services (excluding fixed-line telephone information services and handled according to License No. B2-******); advertising services.
Changes in registered capital (changes in registered capital, capital amount, etc.) 2003-12-17 100 2000(+1900)
Changes in investors (including capital contribution, capital contribution method, capital contribution date, investor name, etc.) 2003-12-17 Name: Zeng Liqing, investment amount: 12.5, investment ratio: 12.5; name: Ma Huateng*, investment amount: 47.5, investment ratio: 47.5; name: Zhang Zhidong, investment amount: 20, investment ratio: 20; name: Chen Yidan, investment Amount: 10, investment ratio: 10; name: Xu Chenye, investment amount: 10, investment ratio: 10 Name: Zeng Liqing, investment amount: 250 (+237.5), investment ratio: 12.5; name: Ma Huateng*, investment amount: 950 (+902.5), investment ratio: 47.5; name: Chen Yidan, investment amount: 200 (+190 ), investment ratio: 10; name: Zhang Zhidong, investment amount: 400 (+380), investment ratio: 20; name: Xu Chenye, investment amount: 200 (+190), investment ratio: 10
Investors (including capital contribution, capital contribution method, capital contribution date, name of investor, etc.) 2001-12-20 Chen Yidan 10.0 (10,000 yuan) 10.00%; Zeng Liqing 12.5 (10,000 yuan) 12.50%; Ma Huateng* 22.5 (10,000 yuan) 22.50%; Huang Huiqing 25.0 (10,000 yuan) 25.00% [exit]; Zhang Zhidong 20.0 (10,000 yuan) 20.00 %; Xu Chenye 10.0 (10,000 yuan) 10.00% Zhang Zhidong 20.0 (10,000 yuan) 20.00%; Xu Chenye 10.0 (10,000 yuan) 10.00%; Chen Yidan 10.0 (10,000 yuan) 10.00%; Zeng Liqing 12.5 (10,000 yuan) 12.50%; Ma Huateng* 47.5 (+25) (10,000 yuan) 47.50 % (+25%)
Change of business scope 2001-12-20 Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities). Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities); Internet information service (executed in accordance with the documents and licenses of the Guangdong Provincial Communications Administration).
Chairman or executive director member 2001-12-20 Huang Huiqing (Chairman) No info
member 2001-12-20 Xu Chenye (Director); Zhang Zhidong (Director); Ma Huateng* (Director); Lin Zhuangqiu (Supervisor); Ma Huateng* (General Manager); Huang Huiqing (Chairman); Zeng Liqing (Director); Chen Yidan (Supervisor); Xu Gangwu (Supervisor) Xu Chenye (Director); Ma Huateng* (Director); Zhang Zhidong (Director); Huang Huiqing (Supervisor); Ma Huateng* (General Manager); Chen Yidan (Director); Lin Zhuangqiu (Supervisor); Zeng Liqing (Director); Xu Gangwu ( supervisor)
Change of business scope 2001-04-10 Computer software and hardware design, technology development, and sales (excluding exclusive, exclusive control, exclusive merchandise and restricted items); database and computer network services. Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities and restricted items); database and computer network services; domestic commerce, material supply and marketing (excluding franchised, exclusively controlled, monopolized commodities).
Change of business scope 2000-05-26 Design, technology development and sales of computer software and hardware (excluding exclusive, exclusive control, exclusive merchandise and restricted items). Computer software and hardware design, technology development, and sales (excluding exclusive, exclusive control, exclusive merchandise and restricted items); database and computer network services.
Person in charge (legal representative, person in charge, chief representative, partner affairs executor, etc.) 2000-05-26 Huang Huiqing; Ma Huateng*;
Change of registered capital (gold) 1999-09-07 50 100(+50)
change of address 1999-04-16 Room 709, Building 1, Xinjiao Village, Chuanbu Street, Heping Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen Room 410, Building 2, SEG Science and Technology Park, Futian District, Shenzhen
member 1999-04-16 Zhao Yonglin (Director); Ma Huateng* (Director); Huang Huiqing (General Manager); Huang Huiqing (Chairman); Lin Zhuangqiu (Supervisor) Ma Huateng* (General Manager); Zhao Yonglin (Director); Lin Zhuangqiu (Supervisor); Huang Huiqing (Chairman); Ma Huateng* (Director)

The ultimate beneficial owner

Beneficiary's name % ownership
Ma Huateng 54.2857%
Zhang Zhidong 22.8571%
Chen Yidan 11.4286%
Xu Chenye 11.4286%
Ma Huateng 54.2857%

Controlled enterprises

Company name % ownership Ownership rights
Beijing Yima Shentong Information Technology Co., Ltd. 100% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Beijing Yima Shentong Information Technology Co., Ltd. (100%)
Beijing Yingke Bicheng Technology Co., Ltd. 100% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Beijing Yingke Bicheng Technology Co., Ltd. (100%)
Shenzhen Entertainment Huacai Technology Co., Ltd. 100% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Shenzhen Entertainment Huacai Technology Co., Ltd. (100%)
Shenzhen Entertainment Huazhang Technology Co., Ltd. 100% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Shenzhen Entertainment Huacai Technology Co., Ltd. (100%) ---> Shenzhen Entertainment Huazhang Technology Co., Ltd. (100%)
Tencent Dadi Tongtu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. 100% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Tencent Dadi Tongtu (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (100%)
Shenzhen Century Tenghua Information Technology Co., Ltd. 100% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Shenzhen Century Tenghua Information Technology Co., Ltd. (100%)
Shanghai Tengwen Network Technology Co., Ltd. 100% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Shanghai Tengwen Network Technology Co., Ltd. (100%)
Shenzhen Century Caixun Technology Co., Ltd. 99% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Shenzhen Century Caixun Technology Co., Ltd. (99.00%)
Tenpay Payment Technology Co., Ltd. 95% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Tenpay Payment Technology Co., Ltd. (95.00%)
Tencent Credit Information Co., Ltd. 95% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Tencent Credit Information Co., Ltd. (95.00%)
Hebei Xiongan New Area Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. 90% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Hebei Xiongan New Area Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. (90.00%)
Beijing Guangqiyuan Digital Technology Co., Ltd. 80.6305% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Beijing Guangqiyuan Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (80.6305%)
Shenzhen Tengfubo Investment Co., Ltd. 73.3333% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Beijing Yima Shentong Information Technology Co., Ltd. (100%) ---> Shenzhen Tengfubo Investment Co., Ltd. (73.3333%)
Weimin Insurance Agency Co., Ltd. 73.3333% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Beijing Yima Shentong Information Technology Co., Ltd. (100%) ---> Shenzhen Tengfubo Investment Co., Ltd. (73.3333%) ---> Weimin Insurance Agency Co., Ltd. (100%)
Shenzhen Weibao Information Service Co., Ltd. 73.3333% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Beijing Yima Shentong Information Technology Co., Ltd. (100%) ---> Shenzhen Tengfubo Investment Co., Ltd. (73.3333%) ---> Shenzhen Weibao Information Service Co., Ltd. (100%)
Guangzhou Optimus Prime Network Technology Co., Ltd. 53.7173% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Guangzhou Optimus Prime Network Technology Co., Ltd. (53.7173%)
Henan Tenghe Network Technology Co., Ltd. 51% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Henan Tenghe Network Technology Co., Ltd. (51.00%)
Guangdong Tengnan Network Information Technology Co., Ltd. 51% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Guangdong Tengnan Network Information Technology Co., Ltd. (51.00%)
Zhejiang Tengyue Network Technology Co., Ltd. 51% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Zhejiang Tengyue Network Technology Co., Ltd. (51.00%)
Liaoning Tengliao Technology Co., Ltd. 51% Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited ---> Liaoning Tengliao Technology Co., Ltd. (51.00%)

Information about the person acting as a legal representative

Company name Name Position Date of establishment Authorized capital Registration status
Shenzhen Tencent Feitai Technology Co., Ltd. Hong Danyi legal representative 2014-08-11 202000000000 yuan valid
Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng chairman, general manager 1998-11-11 RMB 65 million valid
Shenzhen Century Kaixuan Technology Co., Ltd. Lushan chairman 2004-01-13 11 million RMB valid
Tengchuang (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng Executive Director, General Manager 2016-06-15 5 million RMB valid
Shenzhen Tengqing Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng Executive Director, General Manager 2019-02-26 1 million RMB valid
Shenzhen Tencent Kerong Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng Executive Director, General Manager 2021-05-25 20000000000 RMB valid
Tengchuang Future (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng Executive Director, General Manager 2016-06-27 $570 million valid
Tencent Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. Xi Dan director 2008-07-10 $220 million valid
Tenchuang Holdings (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng Executive Director, General Manager 2016-05-12 $90 million valid
Tencent Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Shen Dan director 2011-11-18 $30 million valid
Shenzhen Tencent Zhenyi Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng chairman 2022-08-31 200 million RMB valid
Tencent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Xi Dan director 2008-07-23 $5 million valid
Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng chairman, general manager 2000-02-24 $2 million valid
Huajun Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng Executive Director, General Manager 2017-03-29 $ 1,00,000 valid
Shenzhen Tencent Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng Executive Director, General Manager 2020-04-21 1 million RMB valid
Tencent Holdings Limited Ma Huateng CEO, Chairman of the Board, Executive Director 2004-03-26 1,00,000 HKD valid
Times Chaoyang Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Ma Huateng chairman 2004-02-08 $500,00 迁出
Beijing 6688 E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Wang Juntao director 2002-07-26 1 million RMB invalid

Court verdicts

Number of proceedings Title Reasons Parts Result Date of the proceedings Date of the resolution
(2022) Sichuan 7101 Minchu 11799 Civil first-instance ruling on privacy disputes Privacy dispute
  • plaintiff - Luo Jiahao
  • defendant - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
The case is handled according to the withdrawal of the plaintiff Luo Jiahao. 2022-12-14 2023-03-16
(2022) Sichuan 7101 Minchu 8577 Civil first-instance ruling on network tort liability disputes Network tort liability disputes
  • plaintiff - Cai Yukun
  • defendant - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
Cai Yukun was allowed to withdraw the lawsuit. 2022-10-18 2023-03-16
(2022) Sichuan 7101 Minchu 10558 Civil first-instance ruling on reputation dispute Disputes over reputation rights
  • plaintiff - Li Shuangcui
  • defendant - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
Li Shuangcui was allowed to withdraw the prosecution. 2022-12-02 2023-03-16
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 28604 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
This case is handled as the plaintiffs Xu Jiahuan and Qingheyuan (Beijing) Business Consulting Services Co., Ltd. withdrew the lawsuit. 2022-12-06 2023-03-13
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 28607 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
This case is handled as the plaintiffs Xu Jiahuan and Qingheyuan (Beijing) Business Consulting Services Co., Ltd. withdrew the lawsuit. 2022-12-06 2023-03-13
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 28595 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
This case is handled as the plaintiff Xu Jiahuan and plaintiff Qingheyuan (Beijing) Business Consulting Service Co., Ltd. withdrew the lawsuit. 2022-12-06 2023-03-13
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 27734 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
This case is handled as the plaintiff Sports Entertainment (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd. withdrew the lawsuit. 2022-11-18 2023-03-13
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 28594 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
This case is handled as the plaintiff Xu Jiahuan and plaintiff Qingheyuan (Beijing) Business Consulting Service Co., Ltd. withdrew the lawsuit. 2022-12-06 2023-03-13
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 28605 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
This case is handled as the plaintiffs Xu Jiahuan and Qingheyuan (Beijing) Business Consulting Services Co., Ltd. withdrew the lawsuit. 2022-12-06 2023-03-13
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 28597 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
This case is handled as the plaintiffs Xu Jiahuan and Qingheyuan (Beijing) Business Consulting Services Co., Ltd. withdrew the lawsuit. 2022-12-06 2023-03-13
(2022) Liao 0782 Min Chu No. 2777 Civil First Instance Ruling on Confirmation of Contract Invalidity Dispute Confirm contract invalidity dispute
  • plaintiff - Zhai Jiayu
  • defendant - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
The plaintiff Zhai Jiayu was allowed to withdraw the lawsuit. 2022-09-08 2023-03-08
(2022) Beijing 0108 Minchu 29746 Civil First Instance Ruling on Intellectual Property Ownership and Infringement Disputes Intellectual property ownership and infringement disputes
  • plaintiff - Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
  • plaintiff - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
  • defendant - Shanghai Himalaya Technology Co., Ltd.
  • defendant - Xida (Shanghai) Network Technology Co., Ltd.
  • defendant - Apple Advertising (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
The plaintiff Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and the plaintiff Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. are allowed to withdraw the lawsuit. 2022-11-30 2023-03-08
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 26099 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
The case was transferred to ordinary procedure. 2022-10-27 2023-03-07
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 29769 Civil First Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
This case is handled as the withdrawal of the prosecution by Beijing Linlang Think Tank Culture Media Co., Ltd. 2022-11-30 2023-03-07
(2022) Beijing 73 Minzhong No. 4334 Civil Second Instance Ruling on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
  • Appellant (defendant in first instance) - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
  • Appellee (plaintiff in the first instance) - Blue Denim Image (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
1. Revoke the civil judgment of Beijing Internet Court (2022) Jing 0491 Minchu No. 18806; 2. Allow Blue Jeans Image (Beijing) Co., Ltd. to withdraw the lawsuit. 2023-02-23 2023-03-07
(2022) Beijing 0491 Minchu 18806 Civil First Instance Judgment on Disputes over Infringement of Work Information Network Dissemination Rights Disputes over infringement of work information network dissemination rights
  • plaintiff - Blue Denim Image (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
  • defendant - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
1. Within seven days from the effective date of this judgment, the defendant Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. shall compensate the plaintiff Blue Jeans Image (Beijing) Co., Ltd. for economic losses of 500 yuan; ask. 2022-08-31 2023-03-07
(2022) Jiangxi 1002 Minchu No. 6756 Civil first-instance ruling on network service contract disputes Internet service contract disputes
  • plaintiff - Gong
  • defendant - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
This case is handled as Gong Mou's withdrawal. 2022-09-27 2023-03-06
(2022) Hubei 1125 Minchu 3734 Civil first-instance ruling on network service contract disputes Internet service contract disputes
  • plaintiff - Zhou Kangsheng
  • defendant - Huang Linke
  • defendant - Huanggang Xiaoshu Culture Media Co., Ltd.
  • defendant - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
The defendant Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.'s objection to jurisdiction was established, and the case was transferred to the Shenzhen Nanshan District People's Court for handling. 2022-11-21 2023-03-03
(2022) Guangdong 0114 Minchu 14819 Contract Dispute Civil Judgment of First Instance contractual dispute
  • plaintiff - Zhou Qiuxiao
  • defendant - Guangzhou Jingfeng Culture Media Co., Ltd.
  • third person - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
1. The defendant Guangzhou Jingfeng Culture Media Co., Ltd. shall pay the plaintiff Zhou Qiuxiao 31,777.07 yuan and interest within ten days from the date when this judgment becomes legally effective (based on 25,235.33 yuan, starting from May 16, 2022, according to the national interbank The one-year loan market quotation rate issued by the National Interbank Funding Center is calculated until June 15, 2022; with 31,777.07 yuan as the base, from June 16, 2022, it will be based on the one-year loan issued by the National Interbank Funding Center The quoted market interest rate is calculated until the date of repayment); 3. Other claims of the plaintiff Zhou Qiuxiao are rejected. 2022-12-12 2023-03-02
(2022) Fujian 0503 Minchu No. 9534 Civil first-instance ruling on network tort liability disputes Network tort liability disputes
  • plaintiff - Zhuang Hexuan
  • defendant - Tenpay Payment Technology Co., Ltd.
  • defendant - Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.
  • defendant - Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Zhuang Hexuan was allowed to withdraw the lawsuit. 2022-09-20 2023-03-01


Document number Document name Valid from Valid to Licensing authority License content
Shennan Civil Banking Association Account Opening [2022] No. 1 Notice on opening a temporary deposit account 2022-05-26 2023-05-26 Shenzhen Nanshan District Civil Affairs Bureau Approved
Guangdong Minzong Administrative Approval [2022] No. 21 Internet Religious Information Service License 2022-05-05 2025-05-05 Guangdong Provincial Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission After review, the application complied with Article 47 of the Regulations on Religious Affairs and Articles 6, 7, and 9 of the Measures for the Administration of Internet Religious Information Services. According to the first paragraph of Article 38 of the "Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China", it is decided to allow you (unit) to obtain an administrative license for Internet religious information services.
A test data word 44101308 Surveying and mapping qualification certificate 2021-12-06 2026-12-05 Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province Apply for Class A surveying and mapping qualification review and renewal. Class A: Internet map service. ***
Shennan Jianxiao Yanzi [2021] No. 1662 Special construction project fire protection acceptance opinion 2021-10-27 2099-12-31 Housing and Construction Bureau of Nanshan District, Shenzhen Construction project fire acceptance
Shennan Jianxiao Shenzi [2021] No. 1517 Special construction project fire protection design review opinion 2021-08-09 2099-12-31 Housing and Construction Bureau of Nanshan District, Shenzhen Fire protection design review of construction projects
New Departure Shenzhen Zero Word No. C0332 Publication business license 2021-07-07 2026-05-31 The Propaganda Department of the Shenzhen Nanshan District Committee of the Communist Party of China engage in the retail business of publications
Yuewangwen [2020] No. 3396-195 Internet culture business license 2020-08-13 2023-08-12 Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Changes to the establishment of commercial Internet cultural units
21903969579 Business registration 2019-12-31 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
No info Business registration 2019-07-23 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
21903333944 Business registration 2019-07-23 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
No info Business registration 2019-03-26 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
21902686979 Business registration 2019-03-26 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
No info 21902686979 2019-03-26 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 5th-10th floor, Fiyta Building, Gaoxin South Road, High-tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; establishment date: 1998-11-11
21802468718 Business registration 2018-12-12 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
No info Business registration 2018-12-12 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
No info No info 2017-12-11 2099-12-31 Cultural Market Division Valkyrie on the battlefield online game entry [2017] No. 0207
Yuewangwen [2014] No. 0633-233 No info 2014-07-12 2099-12-31 No info Use the Internet to operate music entertainment products, game products (including online game virtual currency issuance), artworks, dramas (programs), performances, animation products, and engage in exhibitions and competitions of Internet cultural products.
Yuewangwen [2011] No. 0483-070 No info 2011-08-01 2099-12-31 No info Utilize the information network to operate music entertainment products, game products (including online game virtual currency issuance), artworks, performances (programs), performances, animation products, and engage in exhibitions and competitions of network cultural products
A089252 Business registration 1998-11-11 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
No info Business registration 1998-11-11 2099-12-31 Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration Main body type: limited liability company; address: 35th floor, Tencent Building, Science and Technology Middle Road, Maling Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen; legal representative: Ma Huateng; date of establishment: 1998-11-11
Shennan Jianxiao Yanzi [2021] No. 0779 Special construction project fire protection acceptance opinion No info No info Housing and Construction Bureau of Nanshan District, Shenzhen Construction project fire acceptance
Shennan Jianxiao Shenzi [2021] No. 0459 Special construction project fire protection design review opinion No info No info Housing and Construction Bureau of Nanshan District, Shenzhen Fire protection design review of construction projects

Tax audit

Type Result Inspection implementation authority Date
examine Found the problem to be dealt with later Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration 2020-09-18
examine no problems found Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration 2019-11-26
examine no problems found Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration 2017-12-14

Historical leaders

Name Position Appointment Resignation
Xie Qinghua Supervisor 2016-11-11 2019-07-23
Ren Yuxin director 2015-02-10 2018-12-12
Huang Huiqing Supervisor 2015-08-26 2016-11-11
Lin Zhuangqiu Supervisor 2015-08-26 2016-11-11
Xu Gangwu Supervisor No info 2015-08-26
Zhang Zhidong director No info 2015-02-10
Chen Yidan director No info 2015-02-10

Historical shareholders

Name of the shareholder Amount of capital Date of capital deposit Date of exit from capital
Zeng Liqing No info No info 2003-12-17

Historical enforcement proceedings

Case Number Filing Date Court proceedings Amount
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 233 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 236 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 230 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 229 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 228 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 227 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 238 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 232 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 234 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 1000
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 237 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 226 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 235 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2023) Beijing 0491 Zhi No. 231 2023-01-10 Beijing Internet Court 950
(2022) Su 0113 Executive No. 1952 2022-06-21 People's Court of Qixia District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 22040
(2021) Ji 10 Zhi No. 377 2021-05-25 Intermediate People's Court of Langfang City, Hebei Province 530
(2021) Guangdong 0305 Zhi No. 6990 2021-04-23 People's Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province 25
(2020) Hebei 03 Zhi No. 337 2020-12-09 Qinhuangdao Intermediate People's Court 15000
(2020) Guangdong 0304 Zhi No. 16892 2020-05-06 People's Court of Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province 1050
(2020) Guangdong 0304 Zhi No. 16893 2020-05-06 People's Court of Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province 1050
(2020) Guangdong 0304 Zhi No. 16894 2020-05-06 People's Court of Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province 1050